Picture: Jahrgang Foto erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.comPicture: Jahrgang Foto erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.com
Exam review Warehousing & Delivery Logistics Summer Term 2024
We will offer a post-exam review on Thursday, 10th of October 2024 between 11:30 am and 12:00 pm in room S103 | 223. This review is for all students who participated in the exam on the 12th of August 2024. You do not need to register for the exam review. Please bring a valid ID card as well as your student ID.
Picture: Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. | Source: https://www.gor-ev.de/Picture: Gesellschaft für Operations Research e.V. | Source: https://www.gor-ev.de/
Felix Weidinger is awarded the GOR Young Researchers Award of the German Society for Operations Research (GOR)
The prize is awarded each year at the annual conference of the German Society for Operations Research (GOR). It honors excellent young researchers for outstanding achievements in the field.
Picture: Jahrgang Foto erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.comPicture: Jahrgang Foto erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.com
Seminar offered in winter term 2024/2025
Applications possible between September 1st and September 15th through the central seminar allocation procedure at the department
The Chair of Management Science / Operations Research will offer a master's seminar entitled “Optimization for Modern Logistics and Mobility Concepts” in the upcoming winter term 2024/2025.
Picture: Jahrgang Foto erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.comPicture: Jahrgang Foto erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.com
Klausur Operations Research Sommersemester 2024
Die Klausur Operations Research wird im Sommersemester 2024 am Donnerstag, den 22.08. von 14:30 Uhr bis 15:30 Uhr stattfinden. Die Einteilung zu den Prüfungsräumen finden Sie in der PDF-Datei, welche dieser Meldung anhängt. Bitte bringen Sie zwecks Identitätskontrolle einen Studien- und Lichtbildausweis mit. Außer einem nicht-programmierbaren Taschenrechner sind keine weiteren Hilfsmittel zugelassen, insbesondere keine Formelsammlungen. Viel Erfolg bei der Klausur!
Picker routing in scattered storage warehouses: an evaluation of solution methods based on TSP transformations
New publication of the Chair for Management Science/Operations Research
One major challenge in e-commerce warehouses is to pick a vast number of small orders from a large assortment under high time-pressure. Scattered storage, a warehousing strategy in which items of the same product are located at different positions within the warehouse, meets these requirements and is successfully implemented in many e-commerce warehouses worldwide. Still, reducing the travel times of pickers is a challenging task (even more so since products can be picked from multiple storage locations in scattered storage warehouses), such that a lot of research has been conducted on the so-called picker routing problem, aiming to find a shortest picking tour through a (scattered storage) warehouse.
Picture: Jahrgang Foto erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.comPicture: Jahrgang Foto erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.com
Exam Warehousing and Delivery Logistics Summer Term 2024
The exam will take place on Monday, August 12, between 11:30 and 12:30 in room S202/C205 for all registered participants. The exam will cover all the material that has been discussed in the course. No resources other than a non-programmable calculator and writing utensils are permitted. Best of luck with your exam!
Picture: Hintergrund Foto erstellt von rawpixel.com - de.freepik.comPicture: Hintergrund Foto erstellt von rawpixel.com - de.freepik.com
HiWi-Unterstützung gesucht: Stellenausschreibung am Fachgebiet Operations Research
Das Fachgebiet Management Science/Operations Research sucht zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt studentische Unterstützung zur Überarbeitung des Moduls “Operations Research”
Picture: Jahrgang Foto erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.comPicture: Jahrgang Foto erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.com
Seminar offered in summer term 2024
Applications possible between March 1st and March 15th through the central seminar allocation procedure at the department
The Chair of Management Science / Operations Research will offer a master's seminar entitled “A literature seminar on the subject of warehousing” in the upcoming summer term 2024.
Picture: Hintergrund Foto erstellt von rawpixel.com - de.freepik.comPicture: Hintergrund Foto erstellt von rawpixel.com - de.freepik.com
Stellenausschreibung am Fachgebiet Operations Research
Das Fachgebiet OR der TU Darmstadt sucht Verstärkung! Sie haben Interesse an einer Promotion im Bereich Operations Research & Logistik? Sie finden die Neukonzeption von Lehrveranstaltungen spannend und erkunden gerne neue Pfade bei der Wissensvermittlung?
Optimizing order picking in robotized warehouses
New publication of the Chair for Management Science/Operations Research
Modern e-commerce warehouses are significantly different from the image that comes to one's mind thinking of classical warehouses. In robotic mobile fulfillment systems (RMFS), robots lift mobile shelves (so-called pods) and deliver them to stationary pickers, who then pick orders. While this system reduces unproductive walking times of pickers, many new planning problems arise.