Felix Weidinger is awarded the GOR Young Researchers Award of the German Society for Operations Research (GOR)
September 04, 2024
The prize is awarded each year at the annual conference of the German Society for Operations Research (GOR). It honors excellent young researchers for outstanding achievements in the field.
Seminar offered in winter term 2024/2025
September 01, 2024
Applications possible between September 1st and September 15th through the central seminar allocation procedure at the department
The Chair of Management Science / Operations Research will offer a master's seminar entitled “Optimization for Modern Logistics and Mobility Concepts” in the upcoming winter term 2024/2025.
Picker routing in scattered storage warehouses: an evaluation of solution methods based on TSP transformations
August 08, 2024
New publication of the Chair for Management Science/Operations Research
One major challenge in e-commerce warehouses is to pick a vast number of small orders from a large assortment under high time-pressure. Scattered storage, a warehousing strategy in which items of the same product are located at different positions within the warehouse, meets these requirements and is successfully implemented in many e-commerce warehouses worldwide. Still, reducing the travel times of pickers is a challenging task (even more so since products can be picked from multiple storage locations in scattered storage warehouses), such that a lot of research has been conducted on the so-called picker routing problem, aiming to find a shortest picking tour through a (scattered storage) warehouse.
Stellenausschreibung am Fachgebiet Operations Research
February 07, 2024
Das Fachgebiet OR der TU Darmstadt sucht Verstärkung! Sie haben Interesse an einer Promotion im Bereich Operations Research & Logistik? Sie finden die Neukonzeption von Lehrveranstaltungen spannend und erkunden gerne neue Pfade bei der Wissensvermittlung?